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PPTD stand for Pro Personal Technical Development which means that we will develop every player new or experienced soccer player like a pro. Like that when those than want to go Pro get there everything will be just repetition for them. We believe in all of them can go as far as they want.

We accept player from 8 to 16 years old. Depending on the group sizeno more than 20 per sessionwe might divide in different group. to 10, 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 years old. Most of the time the activities are same unless we have a lot beginners.

It is between both. Our focus is individual development but we group the players because some of the activities require pairs and also we work on 1v1, 2v2 etc. Having them in group make them learn together performance and moral characters that we use as weekly themes.

The program was put together by coach Mo who is former academy player and also coach. Coach Mo joined soccer coaching in Edmonton in 2016 and has coach mixte and boy team from community league to club from 6 year and older.
For now we have the PPTD program, but we plan to get more program that should be out as soon as possible.

Today with the Pandemie and social distancing, clubs and some academies focus individual player, but normally that is difficult to sustain. And that is because with the season and competitions, the allocated time for practice focus on team development. Our program focuses on the individual player and for a long period of time (minimum 3 months) which allow us to follow the progress. Because we want to train the player with all best and modern method possible, we research a lot on what others program are using here in north america, in Africa aswell as europe, south america... to always ajust and adapt and make sure the training the player are getting can be apply everywhere they will play.



The next session will be from June 15th to September 2nd, every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30pm-6:30pm (U8-U9-U10) and
6:30pm-8pm (U11-U12-U13-U14-U15-U16). *In case we are allowed to have a large number of players on the same field, we will combine both groups from 6pm to 7:30pm.
The cost is $275 cad for 3 months program. Details on registration and payement on Programs page.